Status: Completed investment
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Who is our customer

The project Beneficiary is BIMA AB, an investee of FMO-Client, Leapfrog Investment Fund (ex-Massif). BIMA is a global microinsurance leader that uses mobile technology to deliver affordable insurance and health products to low-income families who cannot access these vital services through traditional channels. BIMA has reached over 27 million subscribers, over 75% of which are using insurance for the first time. BIMA operates in 16 emerging markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America employing around 3,500 people of which approximately 50% are female.

What is our funding objective?

While 50% of BIMA’s employees are women, they are underrepresented at the local management level. BIMA asserts that this bias is the result of cultural norms in emerging markets, where there is a prevailing belief that women cannot or should not be leaders. BIMA aims take a leadership stance, by creating a workplace in which women are respected, supported and developed into a new generation of pioneering business leaders.

Why do we fund this investment?

The project is highly strategically relevant; BIMA is an inclusion-driven Fintech primarily operating in FMO’s core regional focus areas of Africa and Asia. Furthermore, the gender component is central to FMO’s strategy as well as the aims of the BCD program.

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Date Total FMO financing
2/21/2017 EUR 0.12 MLN
9/1/2016 EUR 0.20 MLN
Financial Institutions
Effective date
End date
Total FMO financing
EUR 0.10 MLN
ForeignAffairs - CD