Status: Completed investment
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Who is our customer

LAPO Microfinance Bank Ltd (LAPO MfB) was set up as a non-profit microfinance institution, in the late 1980s to provide financial and social empowerment services to members of low income households. LAPO MfB transformed into a licensed Microfinance Bank in 2010 and currently is one of the leading microfinance banks in Nigeria, with presence in 27 states and a client base of over one million.

What is our funding objective?

FMO has decided to provide a local currency debt facility of EUR 7.5 million to LAPO MfB, a leading pro-poor financial institution in Nigeria. The loan will have a tenor of five years and will be used for providing funds to micro and small enterprise clients, in order to stimulate financial inclusion.

Why do we fund this investment?

LAPO MfB is committed to the empowerment of low-income Nigerians by providing them access to responsible financial services on a sustainable basis. With almost half the Nigerian population still excluded from financial services, microfinance in Nigeria is still at the developing stage. This credit facility from FMO, apart from helping LAPO MfB promote the implementation of the Client Protection Principles (CPP) with the aim of becoming CPP certified, will also contribute to further enhance financial inclusion and stimulate the development of sound financial services in Nigeria.

Financial Institutions
Effective date
End date
Total FMO financing
EUR 7.50 MLN
Risk categorization on environmental and social impacts, A = high risk, B+ = medium high risk, B = medium risk, C = low risk Environmental & Social Category
(A, B+, B or C)