Status: Completed investment
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Who is our customer

LFS Financial Systems GmbH is an advisory and management firm based in Berlin, Germany. LFS specializes in banking and financial sector projects in developing and transitioning countries. Their particular focus is on micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) finance. Having starting as a consulting firm, today LFS also manages and invests in MSME finance. This is accomplished through their participation in Access Microfinance Holding AG.

What is our funding objective?

The capacity development grant to LFS will enable the development of AccessCampus, a training academy for middle and senior managers in the organization's Access Microfinance Holding network banks, many of which are FMO clients. The campus has been developed in order to better enable the network to cope with the pressure to hire, retain and develop skilled people to manage the growing banks. The campus, based in Berlin, complements existing training (local courses, on the job training and short/long term expat consultancy missions) and aims to train the staff that are identified as high potential and support their development into the managers of the network banks. The campus is based on job and soft-skills training, and uses modern techniques for adult education (peer learning, discussion, experience interchange). Aa key benefit of this approach is that people from Access banks around the world learn from each other's experiences.

Why do we fund this investment?

The strengthening of the MFIs and banks that FMO works with builds not only the client's capacity to increase financial inclusion, but also strengthens the pool of skills in the countries in which they operate. This is an important effect because in many countries the skill pool is very shallow. Furthermore, FMO's 2020 strategy is focused on the importance of networks and experience exchange – this is central to this project, and offers insight into alternative ways of achieving this.

Website customer/investment
Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Services
Effective date
End date
Total FMO financing
EUR 0.25 MLN